If it is not on a server or url, it becomes quite difficult to upload it to online sites like VdoCipher.

I know there’s some pixelation going on in the blacks But I think with some color grading we can correct this and also keep in mind that most of the productions these days will be used to watch on the telephone So it will be much better quality than you see on the full screen.There are a lot of instances where the raw video file after camera recording is quite large in size. We’re going to take a look at the output file and see how the quality holds up. Hit the play button Let it do its job and if it’s finished.Make sure if you have the option to select GPU Acceleration because it will increase the render speed.The framerate I want to have is 25 fps, so keep it at the first one ‘CBR’ and set it to 5 megabytes, and now you can see that the file will be 15 megabytes But because the original file was 350 megabytes.You can see the dimensions of your video in this case.Click on H.264 to make it an mp4 file And now we’re going to click on ‘Match source’ so you can edit the settings to compress the file this new window will pop up and For now.You can see there are a lot of codec options to choose from but for now.It’s added to the media encoder row, but you can also click on the plus icon browse to your destination folder Double-click it, and then it will also be added if you drop down this menu.You can do this by drag and drop your footage.Open Adobe Media encoder for now and now we want to import our footage.We want to do this without compromising too much quality loss. It’s showing that it has 315 megabytes in it, but I like to compress it further down. Let’s take a look at this video clip for instance. Most people know that video files can become fairly large. You can easily Compress Video File Size In Adobe Media Encoder CC | Downsize / Reduce Video FileI want to take a look at compressing a video.

Also read: Adobe Photoshop Download Free for Windows 7/8/10 and Mac How To Compress Video File Size In Adobe Media Encoder CC